How to Recharge as an Introvert: Isolation Vs. Socialisation

How to Recharge as an Introvert: Isolation Vs. Socialisation

Repost from March 2022 //

This month, I have been questioning, ‘What is self-love for an introvert?’

After speaking to a few of my introverted friends, who often feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, I realised.

Self-Love is not simply hiding away.

There have been times in the past where I have felt so overwhelmed by life and the expectation to socialise, that I used isolation as a form of recovery.

This month, I have felt the instinctual need to ‘hide away’ begin to creep back in; I have been constantly choosing and squeezing people and events into my diary and projecting anxiety into my week ahead.

Last week, I spent three evenings in my bedroom alone, binge-watching Netflix and trying to regain some form of energy.

Interestingly, I realised – it wasn’t working.

One evening, maybe two alone had been enough.

I was lying in bed, watching the final episode of a period drama when a good friend of mine called to share some exciting news.

At first, I debated whether to answer – after all, I needed some time alone, right?

However, I picked up, we had a brief chat and when I put the phone down, I realised – I had a little more energy. I had a little more zest for life.

This surprised me.


Superhuman Introverts


This phone call left me wondering, if it’s possible for me to feel recharged from an interaction, why am I isolating from the world?

Then I realised…

I had been squeezing and prioritising the people, things and events that I felt I SHOULD DO, rather than the ones that my soul WANTED me to do.

As cut throat as this may sound, we are only human.

We cannot be everything to everyone.

I know this, you know this, we all know this.

And yet, society sets the bar so god damn high!

We are expected to be superhuman.

The question is, how much easier would it be if we all stopped acting so super, and started acting more human?


To Socialise or Not to Socialise as an Introvert?


This is a question that I ask myself on a daily basis.

Just yesterday, I was talking to my gorgeously extroverted partner about this.

I said, ‘I like exercising, because I can be with people but I don’t have to talk.’

He laughed out loud.

And it was then, I realised.

We don’t have to hide away to feel recharged.

We simply have to go to the people, places and things that make us feel light.

And yes, sometimes this may mean having a bit of peace and quiet.

But, what we may have always believed is actually a lie.

As an introvert, we do not have to hide.


Five Ways to Recharge Your Introverted Soul


    1. Hang out with a friend who is happy to sit and simply ‘be’ with you.
    2. Find social events that focus on ‘doing’ rather than ‘talking’ e.g. craft clubs, exercise classes, dance groups, bike clubs.
    3. Say yes, at a later date; if you are feeling overwhelmed, let your friends and family know that you would love to see them, you just need a few days to recharge and you will be back in touch to arrange a date.
    4. Collaborate with others on like-minded ‘passion projects’ > allow others energy and passion to fill you with excitement!
    5. Make a hot chocolate, a nice bath and watch Netflix, in moderation 😉

And if all else fails, remember > you are only human.

You’re allowed to take some rest.

Jadine Lydia x

p.s if self-love is your jam, you may want to check out ‘The Vault in Our Hearts: How I’m Learning to Fill it With My Own Love’