How To Manifest a Pet [Five Simple Steps]
How to manifest A pet [five simple steps]
Repost May 2022//
This month, I manifested my dream cat – Basil.
He wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but boy, he’s brought a whole load of joy into my life. This post shares the signs and synchronicities that I experienced whilst manifesting my pet, along with the exact moment that he manifested.
I will also share five simple steps so that you can manifest YOUR dream pet.
So, let’s get stuck into one of my favourite manifestation stories of all time!
step 1. Get Specific
I wanted a cat for as long as I can remember, my living situation had just never been quite right to invite a furry friend into my life.
However, last November, I made the decision real – I started visualising my dream cat and did so every day, for months on end.
I imagined what it would feel like to be typing at my laptop with him purring at my feet, what it would feel like to give him cuddles in the garden and saw myself pouring milk out from him each day.
Specifically, I wanted a really fluffy cat – something along the lines of a Birman, a Persian or a Norwegian Forest Cat; a super fluffy grey and white furball, with cute socks and an awesome personality.
step 2. keep dreaming & believing
I became obsessed with watching cat videos on Instagram and would laugh my head off furry little creatures doing there own thing. At the time, I was in a relationship with someone and we began to dream of owning our cat together.
My partner, suggested that we could call our cat Simba and I absolutely LOVED this idea – I dreamt of Simba every day for months on end.
In January I went to a local healing light event and bought a tiny crystal that I planned to put on my cats collar one day.
It didn’t matter that I didn’t have my cat yet – I knew he was on the way.
Funnily enough, at this event (shortly after purchasing the crystal) I received some Reiki healing.
The lady giving me the healing was an intuitive psychic and to my absolute disbelief, after the healing she said “you will end up getting your cat.”
I hadn’t even mentioned anything about a cat!
I laughed out loud and smiled, knowing he was on his way.
However, at this point, I couldn’t see how or when he was going to appear…
At the time, I was in a relationship and was planning to move in with my partner – my logical mind told me that we would get a cat together after we had moved in to our own place.
step 3. Follow the signs & synchronicities
A couple of months later, my relationship with my partner ended.
Suddenly, everything I had been dreaming of collapsed.
I didn’t even know what to dream of anymore.
The one part of the dream that I couldn’t let go of was Simba.
Even though it made me sad, thinking that we wouldn’t have our cat together, I knew in my heart that this part of the dream was still very much alive.
I kept dreaming of Simba and visualised him every day.
My partner and I used to joke about Simba from the Lion King; how we would hold him up and sing ‘The Circle of Life.’
Weirdly enough, two weeks after our breakup, I was driving in my van and turned the radio on. It didn’t start on Radio 1 like usual, it was a random, slightly fuzzy station. And it was playing ‘The Circle of Life.’
My eyes welled up with tears and I felt so much love in my heart.
I knew Simba was still on his way.
step 4. Take intuitive action
A few more weeks went by and I didn’t take any action towards buying a cat.
I simply kept visualising, dreaming and believing.
However, two weeks ago I felt an intuitive impulse…
It told me to check out Cats Protection, and so I did.
I scrolled down to page two of the cats currently up for adoption and my jaw dropped…
There he was – a grey and white, fluffy Birman called Simba?!
I screamed with joy and immediately looked into how to adopt him.
However, knowing how impulsive my Aries nature is, I decided to not make any rash decisions for two days.
Firstly, would my landlord even let me have a cat? Secondly, how much did it even cost to own a cat? And thirdly, would my housemates want a cat?
I vowed to myself that I would leave it two days before applying for adoption; in this time discussed the possibility with my landlord, housemates and my did some research on pet care and insurance.
I said a little prayer that went something like this:
“Universe, if Simba is my cat by divine birth right, then let it be. If I am meant to adopt him then keep the doors open, if he will be happier in another home, shut the doors and let him be adopted by someone else.”
And I left it at that.
Two days later, I woke up at 6am and was SO excited to check the adoption site once more. I trusted that my prayer would make the right decision for both of us.
I now had permission from my landlord and housemates, I had done my research into vet bills/insurance and had even fixed the broken cat flap in preparation for his arrival.
Much to my disappointment, he had already been adopted.
He was gone.
step 5. drop resistance & expectation
That day, I felt unexpectedly sad.
I knew Simba had gone to a good home and I trusted that it wasn’t meant to be, but I didn’t realise how disappointed I would feel.
That evening I was chatting to my housemate in the kitchen and said:
“Well, I know it wasn’t meant to be, I guess I will wait until autumn and then look into adopting again.”
I dropped all resistance and all expectation.
And then, BAM!
Thirty minutes later, my Mum calls and says:
“Jadine! My colleague has just posted on our Facebook Group saying that he has a one-year-old fluffy Persian cat that needs adopting. Are you interested?!”
I screamed with excitement and said “HELL YEAH!”
The moment of manifestiation
Here I am one week later, with my baby Basil hiding behind the clothes rack as he gets used to his new home.
Whilst he is not specifically grey and white, nor called Simba – I absolutely love him already. I know that he was meant to be my cat.
The Universe loves it when we get specific and really hone in on our requests.
However, it is not really about how something looks, it is about how it feels.
The act of imagining something the way we want it simply gives us access to the ‘good feelings’ we think we will feel when we receive it.
By imagining a grey and white fluffy cat called Simba, I was able to feel really warm, fuzzy and excited! However, this doesn’t mean that Simba would have given me those feelings, nor would I have been the best owner for him.
The Universe works on a vibrational basis and will always send our dreams and desires in a form that will satisfy the feeling that we want to create from ‘having’ or ‘manifesting’ that thing. Plus, it will send us our dreams in a way that creates the best outcome for everyone involved.
And my god, has Basil created that feeling.
the journey to manifesting my cat
The funny thing is, Simba was still part of my journey.
If the Universe hadn’t sent me a sign that I recognised…
i.e. a picture of a grey and white fluffy cat called Simba, then I wouldn’t have known to take the next steps.
The next steps were for me to speak to my landlord, check in with my housemates and research the cost of owning a pet.
If I hadn’t completed these steps I wouldn’t have been able to say “HELL YEAH!” to Basil when the opportunity arose eight hours later; I wouldn’t have had the permission from my Landlord or housemates or had the chance to do any research surrounding costs.
In that time, Basil would have been adopted by someone else.
So now, I get it – Simba was simply opened a doorway which allowed me to receive Basil. The Universe had been preparing me for my cat in diving timing all along!
Five simple steps to manifest your dream pet
Get specific, what type of pet do you want? What type of personality do they have? How will you spend time with your pet? How do they make your feel?
Keep dreaming, keep believing and having faith that it will happen.
Follow any signs and synchronicities that you may receive.
Take intuitive action – if things don’t work out in the way you thought they would, then celebrate – things are about to get a lot more exciting!
Drop any resistance and expectation surrounding your wish – allow the Universe to surprise you with something even better!
Happy manifesting, love and magic,
Jadine x